AbOuT mE..(eKYn)

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sG.BuLOh...., SeLaNGoR, Malaysia
AssALaMmUaLAiKum.. hello,hyee...My NaMe EkyN a.k.a Pari-Pari PaGi.. I'm 23 YeARs oLD,WoRking in 1 SMaLL Co. as a AdMiN CLeRk iN FiNaNCe..huhuhuh TaLKaTive person,KaDaNg2 jE PeNdiAm...sOMeTiMe EMoSiONaL, DuN kNow Y...agagagaga SaYa XsOmBUnK,Tp KLu Bz SaNgaT,SyA XdAPAt NaK MeMBaLaS KuNJuNGaN AnDa..;)

My Followers

Monday, June 6, 2011

yey dah 200++ thanks to all...~ :-)

salam to all...first of all i want to thanks to all who became my follower especially those to 200...really love u all!!!hehehe and attention to all my beloved follower, i will be ur folllower also..~wee

hhmmm arini keja penat sgt2, ni pon baru balik dari warehouse,perh giler penat cam nak tercabut sume organ2 kt lain yang wt hal aku lak yang kena wt..nape la xsuh org2 yang cbuk bace magazines kt atas tu!!huhhh aku berasap tol laa,sal korg aku yang berlendir2 kena mndy peluh tau x...PENCURI tol laaa,kalau la ade hukum potong jari ke tangan aku potong tangan korg..eeeeiii

dah,tutup sal keja n penat ni nak cecite ckit sal x-men,sape yang da g tgok??ce angkat kaki tu tahan la kan cite tue??aku sampai masam2 muke sebab xnk tgok movie atas pujukan seseorang aku redha je tgok movie tue...cehhh start  movie jer aku da wt2 ngntok,tp org sebelah da bising2 xkasi tido..aku bukan ape dek dgr ade org ckp xbest terus je aku katekan tidak pada x-men...mule2 kua mmg semangat nak tgok,tp aku dengar member ofis ckp cite ni xbest aku pon terus caye..die ckp xbnyk action la,bnyk cintan cintun laa..abis aku kena tiauu lepas movie tue!!best oo cite tue,aku yang xcted tgok cite tu...heheh sory la  tayunk, i xdgr ckp u..i bukan ape,saje jer nk test u..ahakz.. berikut adalah sedikit sebanyak sal x-men...

Release Date: June 3, 2011 

Director: Matthew Vaughn 

Screenwriter: Ashley Miller, Jack Stentz, Jane Goldman, Matthew Vaughn 
Starring: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Rose Byrne, January Jones, Kevin Bacon, Nicholas Hoult, Jennifer Lawrence, Caleb Landry Jones, Lucas Till, Edi Gathegi, Jason Flemyng, Oliver Platt, Morgan Lily, Zoe Kravitz, Bill Bilner 
Genre: Action, Adventure 
MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for intense sequences of action and violence, some sexual content including brief partial nudity and language)  
Review: 8/10 rating

Plot Summary: "X-Men: First Class" charts the epic beginning of the X-Men saga, and reveals a secret history of famous global events. Before mutants had revealed themselves to the world, and before Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Not archenemies, they were instead at first the closest of friends, working together with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to prevent nuclear Armageddon. In the process, a grave rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto’s Brotherhood and Professor X's X-Men.  Wanna know more??go and watch the movie by urself.. ~ngee

p/s : perut lapar,xtau nk makan ape..ade idea x kawan2??sila lah gtau ea... 

3 pengkritik tetap:


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si para para said...

err best ke citer xmen baru ni..

~LoVE PiNk~ said...

nur ain-ok2 thanx ea

para2-emm syok ooo,tgk la ea..

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